How to look after your keratin hair treatment

Looking After Your Brazilian Blowout.

You should use the shampoo that's best suitable with the treatment and the type of hair you have.

Do not wash your hair aggressively, just be gentle and your blowout will last longer. If you go to the gym daily then yes wash your hair everyday otherwise twice a week is plenty.

Colour and Keratin go together and in that order.

When having the Brazilian Blowout I recommend having the colour done first and the Brazilian Blowout done anytime after that. If the timing is off you can have the keratin treatment Brazilian Blowout first and colour the hair 2 weeks later.

You are permitted to use dry shampoo, this will not affect the Brazilian Blowout keratin treatment.

When swimming in the ocean always apply a serum in the hair beforehand this will protect your hair from the saltwater. After swimming rinse with fresh water. Same principle applies if swimming in the pool.

When using these principles the Brazilian Blowout hair straightening keratin treatment will last you over 3 months.